Mr. Mwai holds an MBA from Strathmore University and a Bachelors of Business from the University of Southern Queensland. He holds an Investment Management Certificate from UK Society for Investment Professionals and is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers. He is an Authorized Representative for the Growth Enterprise Market Segment (GEMS) of the NSE.
Mr. Mwai is the Chief Executive of AIB-AXYS Africa Ltd and is the immediate former Chairman of the Kenya Association of Stockbrokers and Investment Banks (KASIB). He is a Board Member and Vice Chairman of the Nairobi Securities Exchange. He has over twenty 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry including fund management and investment banking.
He has worked in various departments within the Barclays Group, including Barclays Merchant Finance Ltd (BMFL) and Barclays Dealing Centre, before joining the Barclaytrust Investment Services Group in 1998 as a Fund Manager. He served as a Senior Portfolio Manager at Old Mutual Asset Managers following the acquisition of BarclayTrust by Old Mutual in October 2002 and as an Asset Allocation Strategist. He joined AIB-AXYS Africa Ltd in February 2012 from African Alliance Investment Bank where he was Chief Executive.