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APT Commodities Limited (APTC)

APT Commodities Limited (APTC)

Founded in 2007, APT Commodities Limited is a fully owned Kenyan tea trading company (SME) that exhibits a hunger for selecting the best products available in the market.

Our Products

Providing quality food commodities in local and international markets is a desire engrained in local hearts. This saw the launch of our premier brand Jambo Chai Black Tea and Jambo Chai Tangawizi, Hassan Black Tea (PF1), Sinbad Black CTC Tea and went ‘green’ with Equator Green Tea.
Favored by the proximity to The Mombasa Tea Auction and The Kilindini Port, our customers are guaranteed best quality Kenyan tea, at the lowest price and timely shipments, all wrapped up in effective, unmatched services.

The team is lead by Mr. Peter Gitata who is also the founder of APT Commodities Ltd. APT is a member of the Tea Directorate and East Africa Tea Trade Association.

Contact Details

Ibuka Platform

APT Commodities Ltd was the first company to be admitted into the Ibuka program – Acceleration Board on 31st January 2020.
Their primary objective is to raise capital in the long run and be listed at the bourse. The firm’s financial statements for previous years have been discussed, a restructuring initiative has also been discussed and the firm is currently engaging Ibuka Consultants.

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