a) Independence
The Stockbroker shall conduct his business in an independent manner and free from any influence of and or control by another Stockbroker.
b) Discipline
The Stockbroker shall maintain a high decree of discipline in the conduct of his business and shall treat the other Stockbrokers with dignity and all due courtesy and respect and shall avoid any derogatory conduct or language towards other Stockbrokers.
c) Demeaning Colleagues
The Stockbrokers shall not conduct himself or allow his agent to conduct himself in such a manner as to demean another Stockbroker.
d) Co-operation
The stockbroker shall co-operate with the other Stockbrokers in all matters pertinent to a fair, orderly and transparent conduct of the business of Stockbrokers.
e) Sharing Knowledge
The Stockbroker shall share with the other Stockbrokers any knowledge or information which he has and which the other Stockbrokers do not possess or which may not be widely available in the market if such knowledge would reasonably be of benefit to
the business of stockbrokers or would reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on the business.
f) Promoting Knowledge
The Stockbroker shall do all he can to promote the knowledge, education, experience and good conduct of the other Stockbrokers in the business of Stockbrokers.
g) Malicious Advertising
The Stockbrokers shall advertise or publicize his business in such a manner as not to maliciously impute incompetence or bad conduct on other Stockbrokers or cast aspersions on their performance abilities.
h) False Market Prices
The Stockbrokers shall not create false market prices or do anything that would be detrimental to the interests of other Stockbrokers.
i) Plagiarism
The Stockbroker shall when presenting material or information to his clients, the Exchange, the Authority or the general public which is substantially in the same form of material prepared by other Stockbrokers or other persons, acknowledge the use of the material of such other Stockbrokers or of other persons and shall identify the author or publisher of such material Provided that the Stockbroker shall not be bound to acknowledge the use of such material and identify its author or publisher if the material consists of factual information published by recognized financial and statistical reporting services or similar sources.